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Tuesday 3 November 2015

Easiest way to make free money with your mobile phone.. 100%sure & guaranteed

Have you ever tought of make extra cash online, Heres the stress free way to make that money because am making mine too so i just had to share this..
It free all you need is just to sign up dats all.
Here are the steps to start making money:

  • Sign up to Shortest{CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
  • Shorten a link e. g, Which you think can attract visitors, for example "linda ikejis blog" Nigerias top blogger or any website link which you think has great content. 
  • Once the link has been shortened you would have a result in this format
  • Then copy the link and share thats all.
  • The more link you Shorten the more your uuchances of make more money. 
  • Note in every shortened link visited by people certain amount would be credited to your account. 
  • See its simple it just about you and your mobile device.. 
Please Endeavor put down your comment about your Experience with shortest or other Suggestions about it

Thursday 29 October 2015

Popular Nigerian Comedian Ushbebe showers loving words to his wife as she celebrities her birthday today.. Photos here

Popular Nigerian Comedian ushbebe showers his lovely wife Mrs Annette with Lovly words as she celebrates Her birthday today
Mrs Annette 
Words on Instagram.

Please Lets show her some love by droping comments and blessings for her uplifting

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Animals you never knew which existed

Ladies Who has same looks with popular footballers

Below are photos of some ladies who has same resemblance with some popular footballers
Lionel Messi

Didier Drogba

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Confession on how satan sent me to initiate people to His kingdom and how we do it {Part2}

want to know how the whole story started? See part1 here=CLICK HERE TO VIEW PART1

His First day with satan
      When he slept that night he found himself in another qorld entirely, and in that world, people ther lives upside down, they use their heads to walk and their legs were up. Human are used as foot match, He said where he sat as a new memeber, they were all seating on people, He continued saying everyone present there had one head, but their king had 8heads,He said everything that was done there was strange to them(New invitees). 
After they finished celebrating, they began to share human flesh and blood and they were forced to drink it. and immediately they took the blood l, anything done there was no longer strange to them. 
He said physical he was yound but over there he was above 40 years of age. 
He said after the blood has been shared the king brought out a very big book and began to call out names of people over there.. 
   There were 50 in numbers, out of that 50 it called out 5 each and this is their mission

  • Go to the high way and cause accident so that we can get fresh blood for tonight, and they would dissappear by put their two hands  together and place it under their private part(in between the legs) 
  • Go to schools and wins souls, bring student for me, share things, attract members from the school.. and they also disappeared 
  • It sent another 5 to the hospitals, and picked two from the 5 and instructed them to cause miscarriages so they can babies to it kingdom, so that latter they would come back to seek fpr children and the said to the other 3 go and bring the doctors, nurses and the workers in the hospital, so that they can initiate them and swnd them back to the hospital, so that they can win more souls for him.. remember all these persons were grouped into 5 each but another group it called out 10 persons and sent them to the church to cause distraction, sleeping during message, playing while message is on, pinging in the church, browsing, and other sinful act which we think doesnt matter. so as to win them to his kingdom, initiate them and send them back to the church to win more souls and they disappeared too.. 
His first assignment 
   His first assignment was to act as a begger, but they were 5 and immediately he went to the dressing room so he can appear as a begger here on earth.
  in the dressing room he meant someone and the person asked Him"What is your mission" and he replied "to act as a begger"
    so the man went to get a dress, that dress has one eye,  and was crippled... note that how the dress appear to be thats how you would appear on earth.. if you are given a cloth with one hand you would appear having one hand. it anywere to wish as a target for their mission there they would appear, and must be a busy place to attract people so he disappeared...
        He continued saying that were he sat down anybody with flames of fire around He/She are God fearing Christian/Real Christian,and they would never ever have pity to give him anything.but when the flame of fire is not high thats when they end up arguing with the spirit(Holy Spirit) and anytime someone without any flame of fire passes by they must have pity on him and give him money 💰.. after that he disappears Back in the kingdom to submit all what he has had for the day so as to gain promotion.  those thing which were offered to him people are used to call them to the kindom in theor dreams for initiation..
     His second assignment was to be a truck pusher...

His last assignment before He got arrested by Jesus... 
      This time he was sent to the church. he went to the dressing room and they asked him what is his mission and he said"To seduce people in the church". and they brought him a dress with a very strong scent/perfume. and immediately he dissappeard. He was so happy because this mission would give him a very high promotion if he succeed.
         He said as he enters the church anyone who has no flame of fire around him or her,must perceive the smell of the perfume and immediately they perceive the smell they mustt ask one  questions or the other e.g please what is your time, please help me with your biro, please whats todays date, please what bible chapter are we asked to open,or any question of any kind etc... instant such persons records has been gotten in the kingdom, ready for initiation..

You can as well download his confession about how he got arrested by Jesus.. click on the download icon>>Download

Please endeavor to drop your comment below... 

Thursday 15 October 2015

More photos of Noahs ark discoverd on mount Ararat

More photos below

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Steps with pictures on how to DOWNLOAD your favorite videos/pictures from instagram

                    HERE ARE THE STEPS  

Step1:click on your instagram app
Step2:Select the video you wish to download, scroll down ⬇ to option icon and press it
Step3:then you would be given to options
1.Report inappropriate
2.Copy share URL
   Then click on the option 2
Step4:download an instagram Downloader app. download the app here
1.For Android devices-INSTAGRAM DOWNLOADER
2.For Windows devices-INSTAGRAM DOWNLOADER
Step5:click on the app
Step6: press on download and paste the copied URL from your instagram and click download
Step7: choose which you want to download e.g Download video

Step8: now you can view your downloaded video